Flower of Life Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism

The flower of life is made of 61 circles in a single circular form. It is also named “life’s flower.” It’s a two-dimensional symbol that contains profound meaning. It relates to life’s existence or place in the world of life. It’s a foundational symbol; in the school of thought, it’s named sacred geometry. It comprises one originated circle and all other circles building up around it.
If you draw a single circle and then draw all other circles around it, it represents the symbol of the Flower of Life. The flower circle consists of 13 or 19 circles, each containing multiple meanings.
What is the meaning of the flower of life?
The 19 interconnected flowers of the same size give a high-dimensional concept of chakra. Every chakra moves in different ways and at other wavelengths.
It’s a belief that its repetitive circle in geometric shape represents the interconnection of life in the world. Its vesica piscis is the symbol of life and grows as a flower. It presents as the building block of life and existence.
Historians believe that the most popular drawing of the Vitruvian man is the symbol of the flower of life. This painting is interconnected with a circle. Moreover, this painting brings the gap between the physical and material worlds. It represents the spiritual and metaphysical world. It holds a deep meaning that varies across cultures.
What are the principles of the flower of life?

Flowers of life go through multiple stages. The seed life also depends on its composition of six circler symmetry. This geometric shape is the basis of the growth of the flower. The egg of life consists of 8 circles, which presents the pattern of 8 cells from meiosis or doubling its growth. Furthermore, research proves that the seed of life depends on the seven days of creation, and these days are God-created life. Its composition and stages are listed below.
Vesica Piscis
In the creation of life, Vesica Piscis symbolizes the connection between the spiritual and physical worlds. Moreover, it’s a unity of opposites. It’s a scare root of 2,3 and 5
Tripod of life
On the 2nd day, the tripod creation adds a third circle of the same size. It helps to connect the interaction of the first two. It is presented through water.
The three circles make the holy trinity. According to the bible, it symbolizes light: In the bible, the flower of life is described in this way.
“And the earth was without form and void: And the spirit of God moved upon the face of waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light.”
The circle is added individually to the shape, and this procedure continues until the seventh sphere is constructed. So, the seventh day is called Sabbat.
Fourth Circle
The 4th circle represents the elements of earth, air, water, and fire; moreover, it symbolizes the four seasons: summer, winter, autumn, and spring.
Fifth Circle
The fifth circle symbolizes the platonic solid tetrahedron.
The flower life cycle depends on seven given stages
The first circle ( beginning of Life)
Vesica Piscis
The egg production stage
The Life of a Fruit Tart
Flower of Life Meaning Across Cultures

Every culture contains different meanings for the Life of the flower. Let’s explore the Ancient culture details.
The old city of Egypt, Abydos, built a temple called Osirion. From 1294 to 1279 BC, this temple was built, and its pillars were decorated with the flower of Life. Its decoration expresses the hope of Life.
In Pompei City, the symbol of the flower of Life was discovered in their art, primarily on mosaic floors. So they also have the concept of the flowers of Life and consider it the growth of Life.
The Forbidden City, the spherical flower of Life, appeared drawn under the paw of lines. It was often representative of the flower of Life.
The flower of Life is the sum of the Holy Trinity and is considered the fourth part of the world. Compounding these elements builds a block of Life on Earth—these lower symbols of expansion and interconnection.
Modern era
In the modern era, it’s gained attention and transformed into love and light through human transformation. Moreover, the it is used for the meditation and creation of hope. It connects us with our soul, and it holds deep spiritual meaning.
Discover the Flower of Life’s Spiritual Benefits
The flower of Life is the symbol of the following things. That brings us benefits.

- It’s a representative sign of unity.
- Flower of Life Promotes Sacred Space.
- It is the best meditation tool.
- The flower of Life is used in jewelry and ornaments.
- It can be used to make tattoos, as jewelry is a worldwide use that reminds us to connect.
- A beautiful, attractive, symmetrical design used in stylish necklaces, earrings, rings, and braslates
- Its everyday use in meditation includes mandalas and their different items, asyoga, and cloth hanging.
- Its symbol appears in various things, especially in iconic products like the cover of Coldplay’s album Head Full of Dreams.
The flower of life symbolizes the Universe, life, and many more. It represents growth as a seed creation consisting of 6th circles that grow and make a flower and fruit. It is the same as its structure, which gives life and hope.
Moreover, it contains deep spiritual meaning, which is based on meditation. Across cultures, flowers of life hold different meanings that vary according to cultures.
Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)
How to connect the Flower of Life meditation
It helps to give knowledge about our value and place in the world. And it tells us, “You are the U of Universe.” This means you have a deep connection with the Universe
You must be familiar with the geometric design meaning in Hinduism and Buddhism, which is known as a mandala. So, this mandala can be used to reveal your unconsciousness.
People believe that the Flower of Life creates a better understanding of yourself. It means people experience their life in the material world. Each person has a multidimensional soul; people can hold universal wisdom to understand all. In other words, the Flower of Life helps you better understand yourself.