Rabbit Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism – A Spirit Animal

The rabbit is spiritually associated with fear, fertility and creativity. It’s a symbol of luck and abundance. Beyond its adorable creature, it holds the following quick spiritual meaning.
Fertility: It highly symbolises fertility and is responsible for new creation
Rebirth: the rabbit symbolism recreation and rebirth.
Good luck: It is considered a positive change and an indication of a good omen across different cultures.
It reminds us of fearful thoughts and quick thinking. Moreover, it reminds us of humility. Such people are afraid of illness and disasters. Its shocking facts are also mentioned in this article. Read the full article to learn about the rabbit’s spiritual meaning and symbol.
Animal facts about rabbit
- Class Name: Oryctolagus Cuniculus
- Length: 8 to 20 inch
- Average Weight: 2 to 10 pounds
- Life Duration: 1 to 3 years and domestic life is 8 to 12 years
- Specialty: High speed (30 miles/hour)
Population Its most successful adaptable animals with a thriving population
Rabbit Totem Animal
The person has Totem rabbits, they often make wrong predictions and quick decisions. They are cooperative, alert, gentle and nurturing. These types of people are intelligent and fast thinkers. Due to these abilities, they have a high chance of success. Such bunny people are very generous in giving accurate advice to other people.

Furthermore, if the rabbit is your totem animal, it creates a deep connection between creativity and fertility. It makes you more gentle and supportive. Such people mostly socialise. But, on the other hand, they have a strong desire for privacy and their own space. The rabbit creates its burrow in solitude and feels safe.
Rabbit Folklore Animal
It’s a myth that European people associate rabbits with witches. The witches adopt the shape of rabbits and steel from the garden, especially at midnight. This escaping situation creates magical endeavours in it. Such rabbits are linked with a lunar connection with witches. They believe that at the time of the full moon, rabbits gather and perform rituals beneath. Indeed, several people consider it as a lucky portion of their life.
In Egypt, People worshipped the unit rabbit and considered it a symbol of rebirth and renewal. These types of rabbits contain a woman’s body with a hare head.
Greek people consider a strong connection between rabbits’ reproduction and virgins. It gives the meaning of childbirth, wilderness and abundance.
In ancient Mediaeval times, rabbits were associated with the Virgin Mary.
According to Roman culture, the Rabbit is symbolised as the transformative cycle of life till death and its rebirth.
What does a rabbit’s spiritual meaning and symbolise?

The rabbit’s spiritual meaning is very wide across cultures.
Symbol of fear
People identify the rabbit as a powerful animal that seems timid and fearful. As you notice, rabbits suddenly start running due to fear. It shows you may have a shy personality. They also face social anxiety.
Symbol of fertility
Rabbits produce 2-5 children each year. So, it’s a totem associated with fertility. Due to its yearly production, rabbits symbolically present as a fertility idea.
Symbol of wealth
The rabbit reproduces numerous children. They store food in their house and use it for the long winter months. Moreover, its appearance looks happy and healthy. It is the symbol of wealth in many cultures.
Rabbits have a sense of observation that helps them avoid danger. They protect shallows and are ready to escape any harmful situation. People who identify their rabbits are often more creative and clever. They are brilliant and can resolve any complicated situation.
Symbol of spontaneity
A little animal knows how to make spontaneous decisions in their life. It tends to move quickly and take unexpected directions to bring their life to a positive. It is the best reminder to deal with your daily unexpected problems.
Rabbits Dream Interpretation

If you see this animal in your dream, it is viewed as the symbol of good luck, high power and success. It’s considered as the positive aspect of your life. Moreover, bunnies give the meaning of warmth, fertility and sexual activities.
White rabbit
It is the symbol of faith and trust in your loved one. It helps you to choose the right direction in your life.
Black Rabbit
It is the symbol of fear and intimacy. The black bunny in a dream is a feeling of not being good enough. If you see a black rabbit in your dream, you should reassess yourself and focus on the beauty within.
Calling rabbit in your dreams
A rabbit comes into your life. It means you need to add value to your life. Calling a rabbit in your dreams gives the following meanings.
- You need help from any other person.
- You want to set the goal with planning.
- You may feel cornered.
- You feel insecure as a crossing road.
- You may deal with a big project in your upcoming life when you need help.
Several animals help you in your life’s difficult situations. These animals help you as a guide and give you a hopeful direction for your success. Such spiritual animals are unique. Rabbits are one of the unique animals for your spiritual life.
Spiritual meaning of rabbit in across cultures
What Christianity symbolises rabbit?
According to Christianity, rabbits associated with Easter. They symbolise it as rebirth and fertility. Some early Christians consider a strong connection between the Virgin Mary and the rabbit.
The Jewish scholar (Rabbi Yousef Hayim Yerushalmi) associates a running rabbit with the Jewish Diaspora. Three hares are depicted on Jewish synagogues giving the meaning of the holy Trinity.
Rabbit in Asia
In Asia, the Japanese linked the rabbits with the moon. There is a story behind the moon. Japanese consider the man on the moon to come from Earth. A hungry rabbit seems like an “Aztec” in the story who offers himself to be eaten. The man becomes very impressed with the rabbit and brings him to the moon to live with him.
Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese also linked the rabbits with the moon. Indeed, the Chinese associate the rabbits with the incarnation of the moon goddess.
Detailed information about the spiritual meaning of rabbit is wide. Its symbol also depends on culture. However, it helps to guide the correct use of opportunity in your life and guide you in the right way. It’s a unique species in different animals. Rabbit also considered a highly intelligent, clever and creative animal. In this way, it brings the way of success.
Read more about animals spiritual meanings and symbolism.