
10 Spiritual Meanings of Spider in Dream, House & Bedroom

Spiritual Meanings of Spider

Many people suffer from arachnophobia, it is the phobia in which people are afraid of spiders. Spiders have an alien-like appearance that’s why people get afraid of them. But these insects depict the spiritual meaning in our life. Do you know the spiritual meanings of spider? They also have a lot of cultural and mythical significance in different countries.

In this blog post you’ll learn all the spiritualties related to spider and their meanings in dream, different cultures and in our houses.

Spiritual Meanings of Spider

Spiders have various spiritual meanings in different mythologies and cultures like they are linked with goddess Uttu, goddess Neith from Egyptian mythology. Spiders also associated with the goddess Ishtar.

As we encounter a spider in our house and even in dreams, this creature shows wisdom, interconnection and balance. Spiders also encourage us to weave our own fate and move forward in this world with ease.

Mythologies of Spider

In Egyptian mythology spiders did not consider as a creepy creature but it is associated with goddess neith, who was a goddess of weaving of fate and creation. It was the goddess who weaved the very first garment. In this way spiders considered as sacred insects.

Mythologies of Spider

As same in Egyptian mythology, Uttu was a Mesopotamian goddess of weaving and has connections with spiders.

In Greek mythology there is a woman named Arachne who was a skillful weaver after getting in the contest of weaving with goddess Athena. Arachne won and Athens became angry and turned her into a spider, because she weaved all the scenes of bad doing of gods like Zeus and Apollo.

Spiritual Meanings of spider in Christianity

The bible spider represents dual nature. In the bible, it is defined that as the web of spiders is fragile but strong enough to hold the spider, we should have to believe firmly in God that He will definitely hold us.

In other cases, it is said that the spider represents deceitful and evil acts. It is actually god is restraining humans to not to fall in the traps of evil people around you who want you to forget God. It means that spiders show humans that you have two paths in this world, it’s your choice whether you will choose the path of virtue or the path of evil ones.

Spiritual Meanings of Spider in Islam

In Islam it is considered as a sign of protection because when the last prophet of Allah and Abu bakar were hiding in a cave to save their lives from Quraysh. They wanted to kill the last prophet, so the giant spider made a web in front of the opening of the cave. In this way, Quraysh people were not able to find them. That’s why spiders considered to be a symbol of safety and protection.

Spiritual Meanings of Spider in Dream

As spiders are a sign of creativity and show artistic properties, it seems that it comes to your dream just to tell you to use your creativity. In this way, you will be able to make your dream come true. It may mean you will get new ideas and inspiration.  

If you have a vision of a big spider in your dream it is a message of change. It means you are going to be mature and may also be going to get new ideas which are beyond your expectations.  It is the same as the spider making such a big net.

But dreaming about a black spider could be a significant sign of evil energy or maybe any situation in which you will have to struggle. On the other hand, white spiders mean good luck and positive things are going to happen to you.

If you kill a spider in your dream it means you will have control over several things, you are ready to face challenges and you will make your own future according to your desires. Transformation could be the meaning of a dream. 

Spiritual Meaning of Spider in the House

Situation of Being Trapped

When we abandon a place or a corner of a house, it means when we get ill or lazy we forget some corners of our house. So, spiders appear there to remind us to clean that place. They make the web in this way. These webs get our attention and we then have to be attentive.

Spiritual Meanings of Spider

So the spiritual meaning of the spider web in your house again and again means that you have to pay attention in your life. It means that you have to see where you are standing in your life and where you feel trapped or tangled. You have to unleash all the problems and make your road of happiness smooth.

Being Watched

Sometimes you are not too lazy to do your house chores and everything is clean and there is no chance to get a spider. But suddenly you find a big spider glaring at you. It is a direct spiritual message to tell you someone is watching you in the same manner. It means someone is trying to spy on you, when you make a mistake that person will surely get a chance to take advantage of you.

You just have to keep an eye on who that person is. It could be a person who just wanted to get an advantage and do not have any interest in you from his heart.


 If you see the same spider at the same place again and again it means you have to be patient in some aspects of your life. It means if you are doing any work related to business and you are about to stop, spiders come into your life to tell you to be patient and keep going, success is waiting for you.

Moreover, it is the same if you are in a relationship with anyone, and you feel it is not moving. Spiders will tell you to move on slowly to make things better. If things are not working it does not mean you have to lose hope.  Things will work on some other day, it was actually not your day.

Spiritual Meaning of Spider in Bedroom

 Seeing a spider in your bed can be a good luck sign for you. And if you see another one at the spot slightly higher than the first one it means that you are going to get more good luck in your life.

Spiritual Meaning of Spider in Bedroom

Many people say that it is true that spiders are lucky, especially if they belong to the linyphiidae family. In some countries like Australia, Portugal and New Zealand they called money spiders. These people said that if you find a spider crawling it means that the spider will bring new clothes and prosperity in your life. If you grab that crawling spider and put it in your hair it will bring you wealth. 

But remember that it is a good fortune to find a spider on your bed but if you kill that spider the bad luck is waiting for you.

Creativity and Hard Work Spider

Spiders create a web with such a harmony and it weaves very nicely. It shows the creativity of spiders, how spiders creatively can make things and tells you to become more creative.

Spider may tell you to reveal your internal potential and let that creativity flow in your veins to show what you really can do. The very complicated web of spiders gives you the message that creativity is limitless and there is more than one possible solution to a problem.

Spiders just make their webs to survive and trap their prey in it. They do a lot of hard work just to make their webs. If you look at any successful person there is only one way to get success is hard work. So the spider shows us that hard work constantly can result in success. 

Final Words

Spiders which people think creepy actually brings you mostly positive messages and tells you to show you internal potential to get success. It gives us courage to be attentive, patient and persistent in our work, so we will get the best results that will meet our expectations.

Next time when you encounter this small insect don’t be afraid of it. It is not there to make you afraid of its eight legs, it is actually holding spiritual messages for you weaved in its web.

Read More: Spiritual Meaning of Centipede

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